Burn permits are issued under the authority granted by Nebraska State Statute 81-520.01 and are subject to the following rules and regulations adopted by the Southwest Rural Fire District:

  1. The fire SHALL BE ATTENDED AT ALL TIMES with sufficient means on hand to control the burning, until the fire has completely burned out.  Burned brush, logs, or other solid materials must be covered with earth or thoroughly saturated with water before the attendant leaves the site.
  2. No building materials, treated lumber, railroad ties, plastics, rubber, oil, pesticides, other hazardous waste, hazardous materials or household garbage shall be included in the fire at any time.
  3. The fire(s) shall be at least 50 feet from your own building(s) and 300 feet from a neighboring building.
  4. Open burning will not be permitted if the wind conditions exceed 15 mph: any such permit that was previously issued will be considered invalid if the wind exceeds 15 mph.
  5. No fires shall be lit before and shall be extinguished prior to the times stated by the office issuing the permit.
  1. An authorized representative of the Southwest Rural Fire Department may conduct on-site inspections at any time. Failure to follow these provisions governing the burning may lead to the revocation of this permit.
  2. Any fire, which is out of control and results in the summoning of any fire department, is subject to possible legal action. The property owner and person supervising the burn accepts all financial responsibility for any costs Incurred (including fire suppression cost) if the fire becomes out of control.
  3. The fire may be extinguished by Southwest Rural Fire Department regardless of whether a permit is issued if: (1) in the opinion of the officer, the conditions have changed and have become too dangerous to allow an open fire to continue burning; (2) if complaints are received regarding the fire/smoke; (3) if any of the above conditions of this permit have been violated.


Please fill out the form below to apply. If the form is not there, we are not issuing burn permits at this time and ask you try again at a later date

Please allow up to 24 hours for response

(Email response will be from a swfire.org email address; please add to your safe senders list or check your junk/spam email folders.)


Updated November 5, 2024 at 5 PM

Due to the recent moisture received, Southwest Rural Fire Department has elected to resume the waiver of the statewide burn ban by issuing burn permits within the Southwest Rural Fire District.

Just because we have received some much-needed moisture, however, does not mean we are out of the woods for the possibility of wildfires. The fine fuels within our district are fully cured, meaning they are dead or dormant at this stage. Once the rain event is over, and the sun comes out, these fuels can dry out rapidly and within a few hours, be receptive to ignition and continue to burn. If we add wind and lower humidity levels into the equation, these fires can grow and spread rapidly.

Remember that there is a statewide burn ban that is ALWAYS in place within the State of Nebraska. This means that open burning is banned statewide, unless waived by an APPROVED Permit from the Southwest Rural Fire Department.

Respectfully, Southwest Fire Chief.